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Thu, Jun 8th 2006 12:00 am, by system

Susan Ferry & Tricia Cwiklinski

Susan Ferry & Tricia Cwiklinski
Susan Ferry & Tricia Cwiklinski

(Thursday, June 08, 2006, Wheatfield, NY) Calamar is proud to announce that Tricia Cwiklinski, Director of Sales and Leasing for Calamar, has been named the 2006 Woman of the Year by the Northtowns Charter Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association (ABWA). Tricia was honored Wednesday night at a recognition reception held at the Fairdale Banquet Center in Amherst.

The Woman of the Year award is designed by the National Association of the American Business Women to enable each chapter a way to recognize one of its outstanding members. This is the highest honor a chapter can award a member. The Northtowns Charter Chapter uses National guidelines along with their own criteria when making their selection. Tricia was chosen among her peers because of her demonstration of leadership, participation and dedication to the chapter as well as her involvement in community and professional organizations, and her business experience and accomplishments. Tricia will also be recognized at the American Business Women’s Association National women’s leadership convention to be held in Anaheim, California in September 2006.

As well as receiving the distinct honor of Chapter Woman of the Year, Tricia was also installed to serve as the Northtowns Charter Chapter President for 2006-2007.